(770) 578-3266 x068


STREET: 375 Holt Rd, Marietta, GA 30068

MAILING: P.O. Box 680972 Marietta, GA 30068

wheeler high school orchestra booster club


The Wheeler High School Orchestra Booster Club, Inc. is a 501©3 charitable student and parent organization dedicated to enhancing the music education, assisting the director, and supporting the activities of the orchestra program at Wheeler High School. Through membership dues, our annual patron/sponsor program, and fundraising events throughout the year, we help our director and  orchestras with the following:


provide supplemental instruction though workshops and clinics

assist with uniform purchases and rentals,

assist with music purchases and instrument repair and maintenance

provide student recognition awards and scholarships

arrange payment of dues for group competitions and music organizations

travel to competitions

provide volunteers assistance with concerts and other orchestra events

provide printed programs for our concerts

maintain the Orchestra Website and database

organize dues collection, organize and operate fundraisers and the Patron/Sponsor program.

provide food on competition days and workshops and for hospitality events

oversee order of annual T-shirts

provide professional development for our director

assist with purchases of new instruments and equipment


As a Booster Club, we count on your support to help us achieve these goals. Committed parents and families are essential to the success of our orchestra program. Please pay dues, contribute to our annual patron/sponsor program and volunteer whenever or however you can!


Booster Club Officers--Contact us using the email links below:

Presidents: Kalee Vargo

Vice President/Secretary: Cathy Smith
Treasurer: Steve Kendig

Secretary: Ann Crouch

Uniform Chair:  Adrian Lebron
​Member at large: Kim Liebert, Inez Danukarjanto, and Silke Shilling

Hospitality and Patron Program: Jenny Peterson

Programs: Will Reece, Pearl Britto, and Mullai Shanmuhan